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We are a non-profit organization that survives on donations. Your contribution would be greatly appreciated. 

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Your donation would impact...


Impact #1

More curated resources on Scientific Teaching. Our volunteers have archived years of teaching tidbits from our workshop participants. Those community-generated teaching activities have benefited many students. Your donation will allow us to continue updating those resources.

Impact #2

Provide evidence-based professional development to less resourced faculty. NIST has collaborated with funding agencies and industry leaders to provide scholarships to minority serving school faculty and less resourced faculty to attend NIST workshops.  With your generous support, we will be able to make more strides in promoting equity, inclusion, and justice in higher education and better serve more faculty and students.


Impact #3

Sustain NIST!  Operating this organization requires time and resources.  While much of the work of NIST is done by dedicated educators who volunteer their time, some work is done by hourly staff.  Your donation contributes to the financial health of NIST and allows us to provide you with the services and materials you've come to expect.

Thank you for your contribution!

Supported by the National Science Foundation and Howard Hughes Medical Institute


Copyright © 2024. National Institute on Scientific Teaching.
All rights reserved. 

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