NIST Bylaws
Table of Contents
Article I Name
Article II Goals
Article III Membership
Article IV Administration
Article V Officers
Article VI Roles and Responsibilities of Officers
Article VII Executive Committee
Article VIII Committee Structure and NIST Leadership
Article IX Nominations and Elections
Article XI Changing of the Bylaws
Bylaws of the
National Institute on Scientific Teaching
Adopted September 25, 2023
Our guiding principles are to create a collaborative, inclusive environment to inspire and empower transformation of STEM education. We aim to create innovative programs that draw on and recognize the expertise of the members to uphold the values of Scientific Teaching.
Article I - Name
1.1 – This association shall be known as the National Institute on Scientific Teaching, hereinafter referred to as “the Institute.” The Institute may also be known as “NIST.”
Article II – Goals
2.1 – NIST Mission Statement –
The mission of the National Institute on Scientific Teaching is to inspire and empower transformation of STEM education through dissemination and implementation of evidence-based teaching.
Article III - Membership
3.1 – Membership: The Institute shall be open to anyone interested in teaching and learning professional development regardless of race/ethnicity, creed, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, national origin, or any other characteristic. The principles guiding membership and potential membership categories include:
inclusive involvement and access to resources for anyone who wants to join.
eligibility for leadership roles will be determined on the basis of transparent qualifications that can reasonably be attained by any member, such as familiarity with organization’s mission and values
the policies and processes established will incorporate mechanisms for input from all
3.2 – An individual shall become a member in good standing based on criteria to be determined by the Executive Committee designed in such a way as to encourage inclusive participation from broad groups of individuals (e.g. graduate students, post-docs, community college faculty, educational developers, academic administrators, etc.).
3.3 – The Executive Committee may create membership categories based on the principles outlined in 3.1. These categories could have different voting and office eligibility rights as determined by the Executive Committee. Voting rights for each membership category shall be determined by criteria developed by the Executive Committee in accordance with principles set forth in 3.1.
3.4 – Eligibility for elected or appointed office in NIST or to join committees or working groups of NIST will be determined by the Executive Committee.
3.5 – All members of the organization are expected to conduct themselves in a professionally responsible and ethical manner that is respectful of others and is inclusive of all members. This responsibility is shared by all members and Officers of the Institute.
Article IV - Administration
4.1 – The administration consists of an Executive Committee and Advisory Board.
4.2 – The elected Officers of the Executive Committee for the Institute are the President, Past President, President-Elect, Secretary, and Treasurer.
​4.3 – The Executive Committee is comprised of the President, Past President, President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer and four (4) Members at Large, elected by the voting membership. The Executive Committee should represent the diversity of NIST programming, institution-types, geographic regions, and other constituencies that might exist in the future of the NIST community.
4.4 – The Executive Committee will enact the mission of NIST in coordination with program leaders and members of working groups. The Executive Committee will establish and manage the policies and affairs of NIST. The Executive Committee will support innovation from the membership in a collaborative manner.
4.5 – The Advisory Board shall consist of not less than three (3) nor more than five (5) persons, as established by the Board. The Advisory Board are individuals with experience in organizing, managing, and/or developing non-profit organizations.
4.6 – The role of the Advisory Board is to provide an external lens through which to view the activities, collaborations, and opportunities of the institute.
4.7 – At which time an Executive Director is hired by the Institute, the Executive Director will act as the Chief Executive Officer of the organization. The Executive Director is responsible for the implementation of policies set by the Executive Committee as well as program management, financial development, and the accomplishment of annual goals and objectives. Guidance and direction are provided by the Advisory Board.
Article V - Officers
5.1 – The terms of all elected offices shall commence on January 1 of the first year of the term and end on December 31 of the last year of the term.
5.2 – No member may hold two elected offices simultaneously.
5.3 – The President shall remain in office for a term of two (2) years. The President is not eligible to be a candidate for elected office while serving their terms of office. After their term expires, they are again eligible to be candidates for any Institute office.
5.4 – The immediate Past President, and President-Elect shall remain in office for a term of one (1) year. The immediate Past President, and President-Elect are not eligible to be candidates for elected office while serving their terms of office. After their terms expire, they are again eligible to be candidates for any Institute office.
5.5 – The Treasurer shall remain in office for a term of two (2) years after completing a one-year term as Treasurer-Elect during which time they will be mentored by the current Treasurer. The Treasurer-Elect may attend Executive Committee meetings but is not a voting member of the Executive Committee. The Treasurer-Elect has automatic succession into the position of Treasurer. Following their two year term, the Treasurer shall serve for at least one year on the standing committee that oversees the finances of the Institute. The terms of the Secretary and Treasurer shall be staggered, such that a new Treasurer and a new Secretary will not be entering office in the same year.
5.6 – The Secretary shall remain in office for a term of two (2) years after completing a one-year term as Secretary-Elect during which time they will be mentored by the current Secretary. The Secretary-Elect may attend Executive Committee meetings but is not a voting member of the Executive Committee. The Secretary-Elect has automatic succession into the position of Secretary. Following their two year term, the Secretary shall serve for at least one year on the standing committee that oversees the communication strategies of the Institute.
5.7 – The Executive Committee shall establish standing committees and ad-hoc committees and shall establish categories, duties, and terms of office of appointed positions within those committees. A current description of all committees and appointed positions shall be maintained in a Policies and Procedures Manual.
Article VI - Roles and Responsibilities of Officers
6.1 – The President shall be the chief elected Officer of the Institute. The President shall supervise and direct the conduct of the business of the Institute. In consultation with the Executive Committee, the President shall provide direction and guidance for the formulation of Institute policy. The President shall be responsible for ensuring that all affairs of the Institute are conducted in a manner consistent with the Bylaws. The President shall call and preside at all regular, and Executive Committee, meetings of the Institute which may take place in person or electronically, at the discretion of the President. The President has automatic succession to the office of Past President.
6.2 – If the President is absent or unable to act, the immediate Past-President or President-Elect (whichever position is in rotation that year) has automatic succession to the presidency.
6.3 – The President-Elect is a voting member of the Executive Committee. The President-Elect will perform other duties as assigned by the President or Executive Committee.
6.4 – The immediate Past President provides leadership continuity and helps assure strong future officer succession. The immediate Past President is a voting member of the Executive Committee. The immediate Past President shall perform other duties as assigned by the President or Executive Committee.
6.5 – The immediate Past President or the President-Elect serves as the Chair of the Nominating Committee.
6.6 – The Secretary shall be responsible for notifying the membership of all regular and special meetings. The Secretary shall take and keep minutes of all regular, special, and Executive Committee meetings of the Institute. The Secretary shall have responsibility for and participate in the maintenance of all corporate records and important Institute documents. The Secretary may also oversee the collection, organization, and archiving of any historical materials of interest to the Institute. The Secretary is a voting member of the Executive Committee and shall perform other duties as assigned by the President or Executive Committee. The Secretary shall serve as the Chair or Co-Chair of the standing committee that oversees the communication strategies of the Institute. The Secretary shall assume the duties of the President if both the President, the Past-President, and the President-Elect are absent or unable to function.
6.7 – The Treasurer is the chief fiscal officer of the Institute. The Treasurer shall oversee the receipt of all monies paid to the Institute as well as the deposit of all such monies in a bank in the name of the Institute. The Treasurer shall oversee the payment of all Institute expenditures, scholarships, and grants. The Treasurer shall keep, or oversee the management of, a complete set of financial records for the Institute and present financial reports as required. The Treasurer shall prepare a summary of the previous year’s financial transactions prior to March 1st. The Treasurer is a voting member of the Executive Committee and shall perform other duties as assigned by the President or Executive Committee.The Treasurer shall serve as the Chair or Co-Chair of the standing committee that oversees the finances of the Institute. At the end of their term of office, the Treasurer shall turn over all funds and financial records to their successor.
Article VII - Executive Committee
7.1 – The election of Officers and Executive Committee Members at Large shall be by electronic ballot.​
7.2 – In addition to the elected Officers, the Executive Committee shall include four (4) Members at Large elected for staggered four (4) year terms such that four new Members at Large will not be joining the Executive Committee in the same year. Members at Large are voting members of the Executive Committee and shall perform other duties as assigned by the President or Executive Committee. Each Member at Large shall serve as the Chair or Co-Chair of a Standing Committee. Two inaugural Members at Large will serve a term of one (1) year to facilitate staggered turnover of the four Members at Large for subsequent elections.
7.3 – The Executive Committee shall establish and maintain a Policies and Procedures Manual containing a detailed description of the policies and procedures that guide the day-to-day operation of the Institute. All policies and procedures must conform to the Institute’s Bylaws.
7.4 – The Executive Committee shall authorize the signing of instruments, documents, and contracts pertaining to the business of the Institute. The signing Officers of the Institute shall be the President, President-Elect, Secretary, and the Treasurer, unless otherwise authorized by the Executive Committee.
7.5 – Meetings of the Executive Committee may be called by the President or by a simple majority of the total membership of the Executive Committee. Meetings will be conducted using standard parliamentary procedure according to Robert’s Rules of Order.
7.6 – The Executive Committee shall meet at least once annually to deal with any business of the Institute.
7.7 – The Executive Committee may meet electronically to deal with any business of the Institute. Electronic meetings can include, but need not be limited to, conference phone calls, teleconferencing, and electronic communications, such as email. The rules governing electronic meetings shall be established by a two-thirds majority of the total membership of the Executive Committee and must be included in the Policies and Procedures Manual.
7.8 – A quorum for the conduct of official Executive Committee business shall be a majority of the total membership of the Executive Committee and must include at least two (2) Members at Large.
7.9 – The Executive Committee may remove from office any elected Officer or Member at Large if either that person has not fulfilled their duties or if the remaining Executive Committee members determine that the removal is deemed to be in the best interest of the Institute. The removal of an Officer or Member at Large shall require a unanimous vote of the remaining Executive Committee members.
7.10 – The resignation of any member of the Executive Committee shall be submitted in writing to the President. Should a resigning member submit only a verbal resignation, the President shall confirm the resignation in writing to the resigning member with a copy to the Executive Committee.
7.11 – Any vacancy on the Executive Committee that occurs during a term of office shall be filled by succession (President-Elect to President) or by appointment for the remainder of the term. Vacancies filled by appointment shall require a majority of the remaining members of the Executive Committee.
7.12 – In addition the Executive Committee shall constitute other committees as needed for the functioning of the Institute in consultation with leaders.
Article VIII - Committee Structure and NIST Leadership
8.1 – The standing committees of the Institute shall be organized and approved by a majority vote of the Executive Committee.
8.2 – Ad hoc committees may be formed for specific purpose(s) for a set amount of time. Formation of ad hoc committees shall be approved by a majority vote of the Executive Committee.
8.3 – All Standing and Ad hoc committees will be chaired or co-chaired by a member of the Executive Committee. Chairs or Co-chairs of Standing and Ad hoc committees may create sub-committees and appoint sub-committee chairs at their discretion.
8.3 – A list of all current Standing and Ad hoc committees, all Chairs and/or Co-Chairs of Standing and Ad hoc committees, all sub-committees of Standing and Ad hoc committees, and all sub-committee chairs shall be maintained in a Policies and Procedures Manual.
8.4 – NIST Leadership shall be defined as all members of the Executive Committee, all Chairs and/or Co-Chairs of current Standing and Ad hoc committees, and all Chairs and/or Co-Chairs of any sub-committees of Standing and Ad hoc committees.
Article IX - Nominations and Elections
9.1 – Each year a Nominating Committee is constituted and charged to develop a slate of candidates and to prepare the ballot for elected offices within the Institute. The immediate Past President or President Elect shall serve as its Chair. Four other Institute members, recruited by the immediate Past President or President Elect to serve on the committee, must be appointed to the committee by the Executive Committee. In keeping with the mission of the Institute, the Executive Committee and Nominating Committee will be attentive to issues of diversity and equity in developing the Nominating Committee and a slate of candidates for election.
9.2 – The Nominating Committee shall request nominations for officers from the membership at large at least ninety (90) days prior to the voting. The Nominating Committee shall determine the final slate of candidates.
9.3 – The list of final candidates shall be presented to the membership not less than thirty (30) days prior to the close of the voting period and shall include spaces for write-in selections.
9.4 – The mechanism and rules for each election shall be decided by and published by the Nominating Committee prior to the opening of the ballot. Valid electronic ballots must be received by the date specified by the Nominating Committee. The Chair of the Nominating Committee shall announce the election results at a time designated by the Executive Committee.
9.5 – No error or omission in the transmission of the electronic ballots shall invalidate an election where such error or omission was made in good faith and for no improper purpose.
Article X – Dues and Finances
10.1 – Categories of membership and dues for each category shall be established by a supermajority (6 of 8 members) vote of the total membership of the Executive Committee.
10.2 – The Executive Committee may authorize any Officer(s) or agent(s) to enter into contracts or to execute and deliver instruments in the name of or on behalf of the Institute. The limits of such authority must be specified in the authorization.
10.3 – All checks, drafts, or other orders for the payment of money in the name of the Institute shall be signed by such Officer(s) or agent(s) of the Institute as determined by the Executive Committee.
10.4 – All funds of the Institute not otherwise employed shall be deposited promptly to the credit of the Institute in such bank(s) or depository as the Executive Committee may select.
10.5 – The continuing (or retiring) Treasurer shall prepare a summary of the previous year’s financial transactions prior to March 1 annually and make it available to the Executive Committee.
10.6 – The President and Treasurer with the assistance of an Executive Director (when appointed) shall propose an annual budget for the upcoming year to the Executive Committee for its approval. The budget must be approved by a supermajority vote (6 of 8 members) of the total membership of the Executive Committee.
Article XI – Changing of the Bylaws
11.1 – The NIST Bylaws shall be reviewed periodically by the Executive Committee.
11.2 – Any changes, amendments, or additions to the Bylaws shall be approved by supermajority (two-thirds) approval of NIST Leadership, as defined in Article 8.4